Monday, February 27, 2012

Dianne Webster : Rogatory Interview Part 1. April 4th 2008


Person Interviewed: Dianne WEBSTER Number of Pages 34
Place of Interview: Force Headquarters, Enderby Signature of Interviewing
Date of Interview: 11.04.08 Officer producing exhibit
Time Commenced: 1026 hours
Time Concluded: 1156 hours Duration of Interview: 90 minutes
Interviewing Officer(s) DC 4078 FERGUSON Tape Reference nos:

PC: "It says we’re recording okay so I’ll just say now that the time is ten twenty six and its Friday isn’t it, the eleventh of April. It is Friday isn’t it?”

DW: "Is it the eleventh?”

PC: "Yeah.”

DW: "Yeah.”

PC: "It says so on the clock here.”

DW: "Oh right.”

PC: "I wouldn’t have known otherwise.”

DW: "Yeah, yeah.”

PC: "And it’s two thousand and eight. We’re in an interview room at the Headquarters at Leicestershire Police and I am DC Xxxxxx XXXXXXXX and I work in the Major Crime Unit at Leicestershire Police. Can you just give me your full name please?”

DW: "Dianne WEBSTER.”

PC: "And your date of birth.”

DW: "Ten, three, forty four.”

PC: "Thank you. What’s your address Dianne?”

DW: "Err fifty nine (inaudible) Road, (inaudible), Bedford.”

PC: "And your home telephone number?”

DW: "X, xxx, xxx, xxxxx, xxxx, xxxxx, xxxxx, xxx, xxxx, one, five.”

PC: "Do you know your mobile without referring to anything?”

DW: "Sorry?”

PC: "Do you know your mobile telephone number?”

DW: "Err no but I can, I’d had to look in my bag for it.”

PC: "Yeah we’ll sort that out later on.”

DW: "(Laughs) I don’t memorise that.”

PC: "Okay, you’re here at the request of the Portuguese Police and you’re obviously aware of the reasons why you’re here and they will at some point, although they’re not monitoring you today, they will be viewing the interview. Now you’ve been given a letter from us outlining the objectives for the interview but please ask if at any time there’s anything that you want clarifying or if you want me to speak up or to talk more slowly…”

DW: "Yeah.”

PC: "Or more loudly just tell me, and your time and co-operation today is obviously appreciated by us. I just ask you to be patient with me as no doubt we’ll be covering things that you have gone over time and time again on your own and, you know, amongst the group and with the Police in Portugal and with me before.”

DW: "Yes, yeah.”

PC: "I’m going to ask you to concentrate as much as you can and try to recall what you heard, saw and did around the third of May two thousand and seven, and as I said earlier, please let me know if you need to take a break. I tend to ask fairly open questions and then sort of more closed questions just to clarify points if we need to, okay?”

DW: "Okay.”

PC: "So just to start off then, you don’t live in Leicester do you?”

DW: "No.”

PC: "You’ve just given me your address, and what’s your connection to the group that went on holiday?”

DW: "Err I’m Fiona PAYNE’S mother.”

PC: "And how much, I say how much did you have to do with the group before, you know have you been away with the group before?”

DW: "Oh no, no and originally err my recollection is that the, the holiday that, that err we eventually went on err I think originally it was Fiona and Dave that err booked it and invited me and my husband along if we wanted to go on it. He didn’t want to go because its not his sort of holiday and then later on it err it grew that there was other, other people going along as well, which I was unaware of at the time and err I sort of said to Dave well you know if you’ve got friends going forget about me, you know, I won’t, I won’t come and he said no, no you must come along and so that’s how I came to be on the holiday.”

PC: "Had you met any of the rest of the group before that holiday?”

DW: "Err yes I’d met them all previously, I knew err Jane and Russell probably better than any of them, I knew Kate and Gerry err Rachael I’d met before but I think, I don’t remember meeting Matt although I think they were at Fiona and Dave’s wedding I may have met him before but err I didn’t meet him really until, or get to know him until that holiday.”

PC: "And was it just at Fiona and Dave’s wedding that you’d met the others or more frequent than that?”

DW: "Well no I knew err Jane and Russell because when they lived in Leicester they, well Russell was Dave’s best man and err I knew, I knew them before, before then err and I’m trying to think actually, I know I’d met Jane but I don’t think I’d met Russell err but they were close friends of err Fiona and Dave until they moved away to Exeter.”

PC: "And were Gerry and Kate…”

DW: "And Gerry and Kate I didn’t meet them till Fiona and Dave’s wedding but I knew of them because I knew they were err Fiona and Dave’s err friends err and I knew they’d been on holiday with them before. I remember seeing photographs of Kate and Gerry on holiday with them and Kate was pregnant with Madeleine at the time.”

PC: "Okay, so just to summarise then, Jane and Russell you were quite familiar with.”

DW: "Mm.”

PC: "And the others you’d sort of met them and you got to know them as the holiday went on.”

DW: "Well I mean I, I’d obviously met Kate and Gerry after Fiona’s wedding several times when they were round at Fiona’s err house visiting, you know if we were up there visiting Fiona and Dave and they came round err so yes I had, I did know them err quite well by the time the holiday came round.”

PC: "Okay, the date of the holiday, the date the holiday began was the twenty eighth of April two thousand and seven.”

DW: "Yes.”

PC: "How did you get over to Portugal?”

DW: "Err we flew from err East Midlands err I travelled up to Leicester the day before we were due to leave and err Kate and Gerry, or Gerry, had organised mini bus, a mini bus or a couple of mini buses to transport us to East Midlands airport so err Fiona and Dave and I err drove to Kate and Gerry’s house, left, left the car at their house and then we all went in two mini buses to the airport.
Err I’m trying to think, I think the flight was about nine thirty or something in the morning.
Err I think the, the flight, I’m trying to think it was a, maybe a bit later in the evening I can’t quite remember but there was nothing untoward, you know, it was just a normal err journey there.
Err when we arrived at you know at, in Portugal I think the other thing that Gerry had err booked, I don’t know whether he did it by phone or online, was a, err a mini bus to take us to the err resort where we were staying err and there was a bit of a kafuffle because we had, he’d asked for several child seats for the err bus because obviously there were five children in the group and I think there was only, I don’t know if it was one seat or two seats, so there was a bit of time spent at the airport trying to find other seats err and I don’t think we did manage to get all six in the end so we just sort of risked it and were driven to Praia Da Luz.”

PC: "And how did the children cope with the journey?”

DW: "Err fine, yeah.”

PC: "They’d do better with (inaudible).”

DW: "I think we were all on a high you know we were starting a holiday, bit of sunshine and err, err you know once we got there and err we checked in we’d driven, driven from the err reception area to the apartments where we were staying and I think it was at that point the driver gave us the keys for the apartment err the other,
err Jane and Russell and err Rachael and Matt, they’d flown out from Gatwick, which was where the holiday was originally from, we were all supposed to fly out from Gatwick but the reason we flew from East Midlands is because err I think on the journey back there was, there was something about the timing coming back that wasn’t really suitable for children err the fact that err four of the group, or five of them including me, lived in the Leicestershire area, whereas, whereas err…”

PC: "It’s all a bit of a long drive afterwards.”

DW: "Rachael and Matt are London and err Russell and Jane are Exeter so London was obviously easier for them.
Err so that’s right, when we, when we arrived at the holiday resort err Jane and Russell and, and Matt and Rachael were already there, they’d arrived earlier, a couple of hours before us or something err so we went, went to our apartments, I was obviously staying in the same apartment as Fiona and Dave err they’d got a larger apartment err which meant they were on the first floor as opposed to ground floor.”

PC: "Do you remember what the number of the apartment was?”

DW: "Err no, I can’t remember was it G, H, O, five, I don’t know.”

PC: "Right.”

DW: "I really don’t know, it’s not something that I was concerned with, I knew how to get there so.”

PC: "Yeah, and what everyone else has said then, you are the only ones on the first floor.”

DW: "We were the only ones on the first floor, we had the, we had a bigger apartment than the others, err which is what Dave, Dave had originally err asked for anyway because he wanted to have err a separate bedroom I think for the girls, although they were in cots, and err I, I just slept on the err there was a folding bed in the liv, the sort of living room area, and that’s where I slept, although there were two beds in one of the bedrooms, that’s also where L*** was sleeping in her cot so I didn’t err didn’t want to sleep in the same room as her.”

PC: "Okay.”

DW: "Err, you want me to go through the whole week do you?”

PC: "Well yeah, I know it’s a tall order.”

DW: "Yeah I mean it is difficult because err…”

PC: "If you could just begin by just describe, telling me where your apartment was in relation to the other apartments, just so that I can get a picture of it.”

DW: "Right, well ours err Kate and Gerry’s was the end apartment on the ground floor and then err I think err it was Matt and Rachael next, next to them, and then I’m not sure if there was a, a gap or an empty apartment then Jane and Russell, because our apartment was above, it was sort of between err you know if I looked from the balcony above I could see Kate and Gerry’s, I could see Matt and Rachael a part of their garden on that side and then on the other side I think it was Russell and err Jane, I could just see a bit of theirs, err so I think there might have been an apartment between that was empty, I’m not sure.”

PC: "Yeah I think you’re right on that.”

DW: "Yeah, I’m not sure though.”

PC: "How did you get to your apartment? What was the route that you had to take?”

DW: "Err well we went err we generally went err right up to the end of the, we went through the front entrance if you like, not the, not the entrance that overlooked the, err pool or anything, I don’t think there was an entrance. We didn’t have a, we only had one exit really apart from the, err because veranda you couldn’t go anywhere.”

PC: "No.”

DW: "You just went out onto the balcony, err so the only exit was through, through the front door either down the lift or down the stairs which took you down into err a covered area which err there was the doors to the other apartments and then you went out from there into the car park area and then out there onto the road.”

PC: "When you say there was doors for the other apartments, was that to anybody in the groups apartments?”

DW: "Err well yes I mean I remember us seeing a, a, there was Jane, Jane and Russell’s apartment and err Matt and Rachael’s.”

PC: "Okay.”

DW: "But I never ever actually went along that err subsequently talking to Dave and Fiona as they said you could go along that way and get into Kate and Gerry’s as well but I, I’d never explored that area if you like.”

PC: "Right okay, I’m a bit clearer in my mind now.”

DW: "Yeah.”

PC: "I’m just thinking of the route that you would take, so you wouldn’t, you wouldn’t have to pass Gerry and Kate’s apartment? You’d only sort of pass the doors of Jane and Russell’s and Matthew and Rachael’s to get up to your apartment, is that right?”

DW: "Well it depends where you’re coming from, I mean if, if we were coming from the, err, the pool area of the Ocean Club then yes we would, we would pass Kate and Gerry’s apartment on the outside because there’s was on the end err if we were coming up the road there.”